Gina Yull has directed and written several horror shorts including The Shell (written by Mike Lera), Game Night, and most recently The Powers That Be which premiered at the prestigious horror film festival ScreamFest. She has a vast array of experience including being the producing director’s assistant on L.A.’s Finest (starring Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba) and shadowing a director on season 2 of Castle Rock. She was recently selected for Blackmagic Collective’s First Frame Initiative as one of 8 filmmakers and spent the year working on the craft and business of filmmaking. Currently, she is prepping to direct Tales From The Other Side (a horror anthology series written by all black women). She also wrote her first feature film The Harvesters, which she got the opportunity to pitch at AFM, and plans to direct in the future.
From a young age Gina knew she was a storyteller. She wrote stories about being a princess saved by a knight in shining armor, about stuffed animals coming to life to protect her from monsters; she even created her own fake alphabet. But it was when she sent her first haunted tale to R.L. Stine at age 8 that her love for horror was truly established and she’s been involved in the genre one way or another ever since. She has been called “the female Jordan Peele” and she happily wears that badge of honor.